Monday, April 13, 2009

Finding My Old Friend

Hahahha, I've never thought that I finally write that sentence, "Finding My Old Friend". It's been a long long long searching, it took ten years to finally get her phone number. Thanks to Facebook for making my dream comes true.Hehehe,,,

Actually I have ever visited by the two words that almost made me become the guiltiest friend ever, the words consisting of 8 letters, G-I-V-I-N-G U-P,,, the words were continuously haunted me every single time, until one day when I wanted to declare their winning, a nice miracle came to my life. Yippie, I've finally found my old friend, Ninda, a friend who's firstly taught me about the incredible relation in friendship.

The days after my finest invention becomes the best days of my life. I have never thought that she is as excited as I am. hmmmm Ninda, can't hardly wait to see you in Bali.

One thing to notice is:
the time you think that you want to give up and get rid off all the hopes is the best time for God to realize your hope.

if God never allows his creature to get closer to surrender so then why He answers all prayers at the time when His creature wants to have a great relationship with surrender. Hmmm?!!

Above all, I certainly sure that God always has his own sophisticated way to answer all the prayers


  1. aduhhh, ga enakeun nih nulis pake bahasa orang,, ternyata emotional tone nya ga dapet haha!
