Saturday, May 5, 2012

Five Funturous (Fun and Adventurous) Days to Remember

5 days to remember is my story telling about my trip to the beautiful place called Karimun Jawa. It has the most beautiful underwater view I've ever seen so far.

My trip started on 27th April 2012 until 1 May 2012.

Lets start the 1st day story

April 27th 2012,

April 27th 2012 was the day I was gonna start my very first experience as a backpacker. Yippiwww.
At 6 in the morning, I already wore my backpack (actually is not my backpack bag, I borrowed it from my boyfriend :p) and carried a sling bag filled with a lot of snacks, as many people suggested me to carry a lot of snacks.
This trip did not begin in the morning, because I had to go to work first.

It is 3 pm already,
Together with my office mate, Rya, we were stopping the taxi to go to Lebak Bulus Bus Station. Ok, I know that it is supposed to be a backpacking travel time. We should use bus to go to Lebak Bulus Bus Station, but considering the fact that we were a beginner here so let start the backpaker thing later :D.

Around 4 pm, we already arrived at the Station. Condition at the station? Really uncomfortable and scary. As we started enter the station, the panic feeling came. So many mas2 came closer and asked about our destination, what bus we were gonna use. Maybe it was the same feeling felt by Yuni Shara when people asked about her breaking relationship with Rafi Ahmad. They were so annoying!!!

Successfully passed all the annoying Mas2, we entered the Bus station. It is quite a big station coz there are a lot of buses with many directions parking in there. Accompanied with a hot sun shine, we went to the place where Nusantara bus parked. Nusantara Buswas the bus we used to go to Kartini Harbour located in Jepara. Because I want to use a Bahari Boat which is available in Kartini Harbour, it is a new boat that based on its pomotion, it only takes 1 hour and 45 minutes to cross the sea to Karimun Jawa. In fact it took... , ok I'll tell you later. :d

There were 3 more of our friends that already waiting at the Lebak Bulus Bus station, Wina, Upi, and Abe. Yes, it is a story about five crazy people trying to have fun in Karimun Jawa.

While waiting the bus to depart, the five of us (actually it was the four of us, because Abe kept telling us about the advantages using Nusantara bus) did an observation about the best bus to go to Jepara.

Here are the conclusion:

If you wanna go to Karimun Jawa and wanna use a boat to cross the sea from Kartini Harbour, we suggest you to use these 3 buses, you should know upfront that it was a conclusion from 4 girls who never be a backpacker before the date of 27th April 2012. Hence, let me apologize first if we chose the bus based on silly reasons. :D

#1 Bejeu Bus,

Yes, the bus name is Bejeu which I dont know what the meaning of that bus. The thing that I know that this bus provides a wifi connection in it. Can you imagine that for 12 hours trip you can do browsing, tweeting so many things, updating foursquare, or even streaming youtube? Ok, I guess it sounds that I am a person who really cant life without internet. In fact, I am not really that kind of person. I hope so. :D. Besides the wi fi connection provided by this bus, there is also a coffee table and two flat tvs in it.

From that picture you can clearly see the wi-fi symbol right? :D

#2 H. Hariyanto,

Yes, once again I confirm you that the name of the bus is, H. Hariyanto. At the first time I heard this bus name, I also doubted it. I also made a silly imagination, if my friend asked about the bus I used to go to Jepara, H. Hariyanto was not a cool name to be said. Then, my dear friend if there are some words said that Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover. At that day, I wanna say to you that Don't Judge A Bus by It's Name. I know that Shakespeare was right when he said What is in The Name. I should've heard him. ;p
H. Hariyanto is a black bus with cool and tough design. If it were a horse, it'll look like a black horse. It is a dashing bus. Too bad that I forgot to take a picture of this bus. Sorry.

#3 Nusantara,
Compared with the name of those previous buses, Nusantara is the name of a perfect bus. It is a blue bus, it has one flat tv. It provides a blanket in each seat. It was the bus we use to go to Jepara and it had a nice driver who was willingly stopping the bus at Kartini Harbour instead of at Jepara Bus Station.

Let me tell you the funny thing about using Night Bus. A night bus usually has two drivers in it. Since it is a long road to drive, so it is supposed to have an alternate driver. These two drivers must have a same professional skill. Why I use the word professional? Coz I think it is the best word to describe a driver driving a big bus as if he drives a mini cooper.

Based on my experience, they never had any doubt to pass all the vehicles in front of him.They did not care if it was a truck carrying a dangerous gas or it was a big truck carrying six expensives cars.They had a spirit of winner in their mind, to the the first bus on the road might be their vision. :D

Using the night bus, really train my heart to keep beating no matter what my eyes see. The thing I never forget was the fact that each time I tried to enter the dream area in my sleeping, that was the time the driver suddenly stepped the brake coz he almost hit a truck in front of him. Oh Baby, it is not scary at all. Because the scariest part was this thing happened so many times until we arrived at Jepara. Can you imagine what kind of feeling we have? Undescribable! And this was just a beginning of our funterous trip.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Long Time No See, Dear You

Heyho, My dear Blog.

Sudah lama sekali sejak terkahir aku menggabungkan kata-kata menjadi kalimat lalu menjadi paragraf dan menjadi satu bacaan di dalam blog ini. Bahkan tadi sempat bingung buat mulai mengarang di blog ini, bingung mencet tombol yang mana yaaaa.

It's been a while since my last writing.

Dulu, aku suka sekali menulis. Dulu, setiap ada kata yang terbesit di pikiran langsung buru-buru buka blog buat nulis. Walau cuma satu atau dua kalimat jadinya, tetep aja di post, di publish. Dulu, aku juga seorang manusia yang berbeda dengan sekarang. (ya iyalah yaa)

Pernah ga sih kita berpikir, kalau seiring berjalannya waktu manusia pasti berubah. Maksudnya ga secara 180 derajat berubah (bisa aja sih inim untuk kasus tertentu terjadi di beberapa orang), tapi ya pasti Perubahan itu ga bisa dielakkan lagi. Kalo kata kerennya sih ya, Change is Inevitable. :p

Waktu yang tanpa kita sadari diam-diam menggiring kita ke sosok yang baru.

Dulu, kamu yang ga bisa bangun kalo ga di atas jam 9 pagi, sekarang semenjak dapet kerjaan jadi selalu bangun lebih dulu dibandingkan alarm yang kamu pasang waktunya di malam sebelumnya.
Memang sih ini hanya perubahan kecil, tapi bukankah sesuatu yang besar itu dimulai dari yang kecil.

Waktu juga yang membuat perubahan kecil itu menjadi besar, misalnya dulu kamu punya teman yang sama sekali ga suka sama yang namanya cabe. Lalu, selang lima tahun berganti kamu ketemu dia lagi di warung bakso (tulisan ini emang dibuat malam2 sih, jadi tiba2 kepikiran bakso aja *elus2 perut :p) dan tiba2 aja dia menambahkan 5 sendok sambel ke dalam mangkoknya.

Yakin deh, pasti kamu langsung pengen komen: "Kok tumben sekarang lu suka cabe? Sejak kapan?"

Kenapa sih harus ada kata2 "kok" di kalimat kamu? Kenapa kamu terlihat shock dan ga terima gitu? Sampai harus menabahkan kata "kok". Seperti yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya, perubahan ya tak terelakkan dan bisa terjadi sama siapa aja.

Kita, sebagai manusia dan pelaku yang sering berubah ini, ya harus bisa menerima itu dong. Untuk setiap orang yang berubah, tandanya dia bersosialisasi lhoo. Dia menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan barunya dan mengadaptasi hal2 yang menjadi dasar perubahan yang terjadi. Ga usah mencela ataupun ga terima ya kalo teman kamu itu berubah.

Kalau dipikir-pikir, kenapa juga ya bahas tentang perubahan di blog ini. Ya jawabannya kenapa ngga. :p
Aku cuma mau ngingetin ke diri sendiri kok, kalo perubahan itu amat sangat wajar terjadi.

Change is inevitable. Change may happen to anyone anywhere.

For the one who has changed, I'll try to understand the new you. As your friend, I promise to not ever citisizing your changing, coz I know that you are trying to be the part of society.

Good Night, Good People.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Bukan Penumpang Biasa

Supir angkutan umum itu jg manusia. Sebagai penikmat angkutan umum, saya sering menemukan kejadian2 yg menurut saya menarik.
Pernah waktu itu naik metromini 75, supirnya masih muda dan berpakaian rapi dan berparas manis (bukan ini bukan
Cerita saya kesengsem si supir muda) dengan kenek yg seumuran jg. Selayaknya supir 75 dr Pasar Minggu ya dia menempuh jalur menuju ke Blok M
Namun, di perempatan jalan dekat sebuah gang berdiri 2 org wanita. 1 gadis muda dan ibunya yang duduk di deket supir. Awalnya saya pikir dia penumpang biasa.
Ternyata bukan penumpang biasa, gadis itu adalah pacar si supir muda. Niatnya mereka mau pacaran. Dan si ibu td ya memang ibu si gadis muda,
Tp tujuan si ibu ini bkn untuk ngawasin anaknya pacara ternyata. Si ibu mau ke Blok M, mau ngelabrak Mpo Lela yg mulutnya
Lemes bgt! (Begitu menurut cerita si Ibu). Ok, kita kembali ke bagian pacaran kedua org muda ini. Jd yg mereka namakan pacaran adalah
Nemenin sang supir sampe batas jatah nyetirnya abis hari itu. Ditemani kripik singkong pedas,
Mereka bercerita dan tertawa2 sepanjang jalan.
Lain metromini, lain lg angkot 04. Di angkot ini saya duduk di muka di samping pak supir.
Waktu naik jg sudah ada ibu2 yg duduk di situ. Sekali lg saya pikir ibu itu penumpang
Biasa. Ternyata dia pacar sekali lagi saya tekankan pacar bukan istri tp pacar
Si bapak supir yg umurnya sekitar 40 an. Kalo yg di metromini ditemani snack keripik singkong,
Di angkot ini sang ibu bawa gorengan. Mereka ngobrol, ketawa2, bahkan pak supir
Kadang suka nari2 aneh kl ada pengamen yg tiba2 ngamen d angkot. Dan mulailah si ibu
Ketawa2 kesenengan dan kegelian liat tingkah si bapak.
Yg bagi saya, sama sekali ga lucu. Bukan ini bukan krn iri, tp ya memang ga lucu. Beberapa meter sebelum tempat
Peralihan supir si Ibu turun, sebelum turun dia bilang 'Besok jemput agak pagian dr biasanya aja ya' What? Jd
Kejadian nemenin pak supir nyetir smbil makan gorengan ini udh kaya aktivitas sehari2 si ibu sama si bapak?

Ok, hal sebenernya yg pengen saya katakan dr cerita ini adalah benar kalo kedua wanita di atas punya
Rasa mengasihi yg tulus. Mereka ga butuh tiket nonton film terbaru, atau tempat makan di Mall ternama,
Atau konser band ternama untuk menghabiskan waktu dgn org yg mereka sayangi.

Dr sini kita belajar kl sesuatu bisa jd menyenangkan berdasarkan bagaimana kita mengesetnya jd menyenangkan.

If world does not smile at you, then give the world your best smile telling your Happy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

uniquely in diversity

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya dikejutkan dengan beberapa
Pengakuan dari beberapa teman saya tentang mereka
Yang punya pasangan berbeda keyakinan. Namun, setelah saya
Tilik lagi, kenapa saya harus kaget. Kenapa saya harus
Bereaksi terkejut. Lumrah kalau ada 1 wanita mencintai 1 laki2
. Kenapa saya harus kaget. Atas apapun latar belakang yg mereka
Miliki, saya berpikir saya tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengomentarinya
Setiap orang punya hak untuk menentukan arah hatinya. Kita
Yang hanya orang luar, yg bertindak luar biasa sok taunya
Dengan berkata 'gw tau lu sayang bgt sama dia, tapi' siapa
Kita sebenarnya, bisa berkata seolah2 bisa merasakan perasaan orang
Lain hanya karena pernah merasakan hal yg nyaris sama, tapi
Tak serupa. Hanya karena kita pernah mencintai sebelumnya, kita jadi
Bisa berkata dengan sok taunya kalo kita juga tau perasaan teman kita.
Tidaklah kalian pernah mendengar kata2, bahwa tidak ada d dunia ini
Hal yg persis sama. Perasaan bukanlah sebuah hal yg bisa
Diukur dengan melihat rata2 dari semua kasus yg sejenis. Kamu salah
Sayang, setiap orang menciptakan pola baru pada perasaannya untuk
Setiap hubungan yg mereka miliki. Jd, siapa sebenarnya kita,org luar,
Yg bersikap seolah tahu segalanya untuk menghentikan hubungan yg
Sebenarnya kita tdk tahu persis rasanya. Teman, untuk keputusan
Apapun yg kamu ambil, untuk dgn siapa kamu membagi hatimu,
Aku hanya akan menyiapkan seluruh waktuku untuk mendengar ceritamu,
Aku tdk akan memaksamu untuk melakukan apapun. Atas keputusan apapun
Yg kamu ambil, aku yakin kamu org yg plng bertanggung jawab akan hal itu,
Allah menciptakanmu dengan sempurna, kamu punya hati dan pikiran
Untuk menentukan arah hidupmu. Atas keputusan apa yg km ambil,
Aku yakin itu buah dari pemikiran yg berasal dr otak yg telah dianugrahkan
Oleh الله untuk mu. Aku hanya temanmu yg akan setia mendengarkan, cz who am I to judge?

Monday, September 13, 2010

will I be someone?

Ok, let's start it with a warning that for the next sentences that u will read
above are goingh to contain something unimportant and some regrets.
Realizing what I have achieve today, I should be grateful to الله

However, this pride seems nothing compared with my friend's achievementm

Why we have to envy someone who seems greater than us?

Why don't just thankful to الله for what we achieve today?

Ok, I guess it is a little bit unfair to use the pronoun we,
Coz in this case it is me who does not appreciate my life.

Why shoul I have to envy my friend?

Dear little Jeni, don't u realize that الله is the only one knowing
What's best for u.

Why don't u just be thankful to الله instead of continuosly asking الله
With the why why why question.

Ya الله , please forgive my rude insensitive manner.
For what u have planned to me, I sincerely say thank you cz u're the one who
Knows what best 4 me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Synchronizing my heart

I'm so disappointed with my heart, after a long struggling months to ensure this heart that he is not destied to be mine, and after this mind fully agreed with that condition.

Now, I've just found the fact that this heart still cannot agree with the condition. it's still hurt. slightly but deep hurt.

I do know that he is not my Mr. Right

I do know that we are not meant to be together

I do Thank to God to not make him as my soulmate

but why this hurt still feel the hurt????


Saturday, May 22, 2010

about blank

actually i don't know what to write in this blog, but i want to write something today so I force myself to open this site and murmuring in this beloved blog, hehehehhe

Ok I think I already know what to write in this blog.
On last friday, my colleague asked me aboot my status, she wanted to confirm that I'm really a single person.
I answered her question "Like I said before mba, for me to find a cute clothe is easier than to find a cute man"

My colleagues : "Regarding to your age, it's not the time to find a cute man, screw all the cute or fascinating man, You are going to welcome your new age, 23"

I answered her saying with a silence,

Pfffuuuuiiiihhhh, Should I be so worried? Which one I should pray first? a great career or a great man?...

I'm going to be a 23rd lady next month and I'm still trying to find what I really want to be in this life, am I left behind my friend?