Sunday, November 14, 2010

uniquely in diversity

Beberapa hari yang lalu saya dikejutkan dengan beberapa
Pengakuan dari beberapa teman saya tentang mereka
Yang punya pasangan berbeda keyakinan. Namun, setelah saya
Tilik lagi, kenapa saya harus kaget. Kenapa saya harus
Bereaksi terkejut. Lumrah kalau ada 1 wanita mencintai 1 laki2
. Kenapa saya harus kaget. Atas apapun latar belakang yg mereka
Miliki, saya berpikir saya tidak mempunyai hak untuk mengomentarinya
Setiap orang punya hak untuk menentukan arah hatinya. Kita
Yang hanya orang luar, yg bertindak luar biasa sok taunya
Dengan berkata 'gw tau lu sayang bgt sama dia, tapi' siapa
Kita sebenarnya, bisa berkata seolah2 bisa merasakan perasaan orang
Lain hanya karena pernah merasakan hal yg nyaris sama, tapi
Tak serupa. Hanya karena kita pernah mencintai sebelumnya, kita jadi
Bisa berkata dengan sok taunya kalo kita juga tau perasaan teman kita.
Tidaklah kalian pernah mendengar kata2, bahwa tidak ada d dunia ini
Hal yg persis sama. Perasaan bukanlah sebuah hal yg bisa
Diukur dengan melihat rata2 dari semua kasus yg sejenis. Kamu salah
Sayang, setiap orang menciptakan pola baru pada perasaannya untuk
Setiap hubungan yg mereka miliki. Jd, siapa sebenarnya kita,org luar,
Yg bersikap seolah tahu segalanya untuk menghentikan hubungan yg
Sebenarnya kita tdk tahu persis rasanya. Teman, untuk keputusan
Apapun yg kamu ambil, untuk dgn siapa kamu membagi hatimu,
Aku hanya akan menyiapkan seluruh waktuku untuk mendengar ceritamu,
Aku tdk akan memaksamu untuk melakukan apapun. Atas keputusan apapun
Yg kamu ambil, aku yakin kamu org yg plng bertanggung jawab akan hal itu,
Allah menciptakanmu dengan sempurna, kamu punya hati dan pikiran
Untuk menentukan arah hidupmu. Atas keputusan apa yg km ambil,
Aku yakin itu buah dari pemikiran yg berasal dr otak yg telah dianugrahkan
Oleh الله untuk mu. Aku hanya temanmu yg akan setia mendengarkan, cz who am I to judge?

Monday, September 13, 2010

will I be someone?

Ok, let's start it with a warning that for the next sentences that u will read
above are goingh to contain something unimportant and some regrets.
Realizing what I have achieve today, I should be grateful to الله

However, this pride seems nothing compared with my friend's achievementm

Why we have to envy someone who seems greater than us?

Why don't just thankful to الله for what we achieve today?

Ok, I guess it is a little bit unfair to use the pronoun we,
Coz in this case it is me who does not appreciate my life.

Why shoul I have to envy my friend?

Dear little Jeni, don't u realize that الله is the only one knowing
What's best for u.

Why don't u just be thankful to الله instead of continuosly asking الله
With the why why why question.

Ya الله , please forgive my rude insensitive manner.
For what u have planned to me, I sincerely say thank you cz u're the one who
Knows what best 4 me.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Synchronizing my heart

I'm so disappointed with my heart, after a long struggling months to ensure this heart that he is not destied to be mine, and after this mind fully agreed with that condition.

Now, I've just found the fact that this heart still cannot agree with the condition. it's still hurt. slightly but deep hurt.

I do know that he is not my Mr. Right

I do know that we are not meant to be together

I do Thank to God to not make him as my soulmate

but why this hurt still feel the hurt????


Saturday, May 22, 2010

about blank

actually i don't know what to write in this blog, but i want to write something today so I force myself to open this site and murmuring in this beloved blog, hehehehhe

Ok I think I already know what to write in this blog.
On last friday, my colleague asked me aboot my status, she wanted to confirm that I'm really a single person.
I answered her question "Like I said before mba, for me to find a cute clothe is easier than to find a cute man"

My colleagues : "Regarding to your age, it's not the time to find a cute man, screw all the cute or fascinating man, You are going to welcome your new age, 23"

I answered her saying with a silence,

Pfffuuuuiiiihhhh, Should I be so worried? Which one I should pray first? a great career or a great man?...

I'm going to be a 23rd lady next month and I'm still trying to find what I really want to be in this life, am I left behind my friend?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Big Blue Taxi

malam jumat kemarin aku bertemu dengan seorang yang ntah kenapa menurut ku punya sesuatu yang membuat aku terkesan. Seorag bapak supir taxi yang berwara biru dan berlambang burung itu bernama pak saprudin.

Beda dengan beberapa supir taxi yang sebelumnya aku naikin,ia langsung bercerita panjang lebar, tentang suka dukanya naik taxi. "Dulu saya supir truk, mba". "Jadir supir truk mah enak, ga keburu2 uang setoran kaya sekarang, sekarang mah kalo udah magrib setoran belum sampe 100 dah kelipungan." "Tapi ya mba, kalo pekerjaan itu jangan dipusingin, selama kita berusaha dan ikhlas, pasti rejekinya akan bertambah". "Kalo kerja itu ga boleh kesel2 mba." "Kita harus hobi sama kerjaan kita, kan kalo hobi itu ngelakuinnya aja dah seneng, ga dibayar aja dah senenga apalagi dibayar, pasti tambah seneng kan ya". "Saya mah berusaha aja, tapi juga haus ikhlas."

Pak Saprudin sepertinya orang yang dikirmkan oleh Allah untk menasihatiku, untuk menasihatiku agar mencintaik pekerjaan sekarang ini, lakukan sebaik mungkin, dan ikhlas. It's like God wanna advise me to Love my job, and every good thing will come to me."

Seorang supir taxi yang kerjaannya lebih banyak tekanan aja bisa ngomomg gitu, hebaaatttt.
Pak Saprudin yang cuma lulusan SD punya anak2 yang membanggakan, Ke-Dua anak2 nya bisa sekolah di UI dan ITS, belum lagi yang kecil juara 3 lomba web design se- Jawa Barat. Hebaaattt!!

Dalam cerita ini Allah juga mau bilang ke aku kalo semuanya akan mungkin selagi ada niat dan kerja keras.

Thx ya pak saprudin...

Ya Allah,I Know that you always have such a great mysterious way to show your existence.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Newbie's Attack

Regarding to my condition as a new comer in my new office, this blog is going to tell about mu experience as a new comer, hehehhe.

Started from last Friday, I officially got a job as an operations , a temporary staff actually.

it always hard to be a new comer. Mingle is the first thing you have to do. You have to give your best smile to every new person.

However, it all will not be a hard adaptation anymore if you have already got someone who is paying attention more to you.
this thing clearly happens to me, I have a colleague who is paying a little more attention to me. He always asks if I already eat my lunch or not.

I just feel that I'm not like a little alien in that office. Because, he notices that I exist in that office.
Ok my new colleague thx for you attention, I really really appreciate it...

all in all, my best suggestion if you are a new comer in a new environment, the first thing you have to do is find someone who is willing to pay a little more attention to you so that you will not feel like a little alien, hahahah. Silly suggestion!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Maka nikmat Tuhan kamu manakah yg kamu dustakan?

I have a friend. I envy her so much. She has everything I want. She has a good hobby, a great job, and a magnificent brain.

Are those clear enough why I envy her so much? hehehehhe

but then, I think that I'm not supposed to have this feeling. It means that I have not appreciated what God has decided to me before. Hey, jeniiiii you have been blessed for what you've got.
You did graduate at a great time, You have already got a job, and you do have a beautiful family who always support your decision. How wonderful is that?

Ya Allah, in this holy night allow me to say my apologize for being such an ungrateful person.
I know that you always give me the best.

Ya Allah, in this silent night allow me to say Thank you for every nice and wonderful thing you have given to my life.

"Which then of the bounties of your Lord will you deny?" (QS Ar.Rahman: 16)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

You call me Jeni?!!

Jeni Maiza Winda is my beautiful name and people usually call me Jeni. All the member of my family call me "ade", they'll call me "Jen"i is just when they get angry with me.
More over, my college friends call me Jeje.
Actually, I don't really bother by the way people call my name, Jeni, Jeje, jenot, it's up to them.

But this afternoon, it became my full concern when He called me Jeni. It was not the name he used to call me. How could the word Jeni came from his mouth? Am I not his special anymore?
Does he want to be just an ordinary friend?

For God sake, Jeni... it's been almost two years. Of course, he has changed.

The way you call me Jeni means that you want to show me that "I'm not your special anymore" and "You are just my ordinary friend".

Ok! you can call me Jeni....